Build a Business Not a Job (David Finkel) (mobi+azw3+epub+pdf)

Break Free from Your Business and Get Your Life Back

What if you could have real freedom in your business and spend more time with the people that matter most?

What if you could spend your days doing work that matters for people who really care...and be profitable every month?

What if you could accelerate your company's growth while working less hours?

David Finkel is an ex-Olympic-level athlete turned business multimillionaire and is one of the nation's most respected business thinkers. Over the past 20 years, David and the Maui Mastermind Coaches and Advisors have personally scaled companies with an aggregate market value of $63 billion.

Stephanie Harkness is a serial entrepreneur with more than 35 years' experience and eight successful businesses under her direct leadership. She shepherded over 100 start-ups through funding by venture capitalists with the expected outcome of acquisition or IPO.

Together, in Build a Business, Not a Jobthey give you a concrete, step-by-step map to build an owner-independent company and get your life back.


Build a Business Not a Job (David Finkel) (mobi+azw3+epub+pdf)


Reading this book, you'll learn:

The only sustainable way to escape the Self-Employment Trap™.
The 4 most costly excuses that hold business owners back.
The 8 essential building blocks upon which to scale your company.
25 formats to package your business systems.
A powerful 1-page quarterly action plan.
Six time-mastery strategies to free up a full day each week to build your business.
You will also find super-inspiring true stories:How a skilled surgeon tamed his medical practice not by working more, but rather by empowering his systems, team, and culture to do more.
How a contractor escaped the 70-hour-a-week trap, doubled his sales, and cut his work hours in half (and how you can do it too.)
How a second-generation manufacturer took over his family business and brought it from the brink of failure torecord profits.
How a niche software company owner grew her company’s market value tenfold, while at the same time enjoying a greater sense of time freedom than she ever thought possible.

Those stories demonstrate that you can “have it all”: less stress, faster growth, less working hours, more profits.

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